Thursday, July 4, 2013

Make Your Own Kale Chips

Our garden greens are prolific! We are slowly and steadily processing our produce and next on the list is the kale. Okay, twist my rubber arm... I'll make kale chips.
Kelowna does have a variety of places where you can obtain kale chips.  They aren't very affordable when you buy them premade.  Hubby and I love making our own because it's more affordable, you can flavor it however you like and they are fresh!  I'll warn you though, if you make these... don't expect them to last long enough to get out of the dehydrator.  No joke.  These are the best kale chips I've ever eaten.  Especially Chrissy's Goddess Kale Chips.

Add nutritional yeast to taste.


We have fresh dill right now, which will be divine.

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